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Eastside Memorial FC

Coach Lorie - InnerMindSports

To all EMFC members/athletes/coaches/family: 
Coach Lorie Pulliam is the most noteworthy mental sports development coach in Canada. Lorie has designed 7 FREE Mental Lessons for Soccer for everyone in EMFC. Please go to:  Sign up with your name and Email address and you can start the REGENER8 Challenge that helps all players get ready for the outdoor season. 
These seven lessons will help you with being more focused, prepared and confident in your games and competitions. It will even help you in life and at school. 
This is a generous donation from Coach Lorie to introduce you to the positive effects of training the mind for sports and school. Please join us! 
Coach Lorie will use some of your comments for her latest research study with 5000 youth in sports!
Please sign up and help out.


Registration NOW OPEN!!!


New Technical Director Announcement


Christmas Break


House league Schedule
